Want results more quickly? You can move through the steps more quickly via individual, personalized coaching with Bruce Deveau. Working one-on-one with Bruce allows you to target specific problems quickly and efficiently. You get personalized, private, individual attention over the phone, at the track, or in his office. What does coaching consist of?Your coaching sessions will be as unique as you are... designed to fit your needs. Often it involves talking over the phone before or after a race. Sometimes it includes working with a practice tree in his office when possible. It may be individual time at the track. Because Bruce is a drag racer he is comfortable in just about any setting that suits your needs. It works.Bruce has a proven track record with his coaching clients. He has worked individually with sportsman and professional drivers from across the country. Each driver brings a unique challenge and each has a unique success story. Most clients have achieved career-high performances as a result, including national and divisional wins. Some have simply and quickly gotten 'unstuck' and returned to their previous winning form. It's worth it.Your time is valuable. Often, results are achieved after just a few coaching sessions. Compare that with the cost of wasted time and travel, frustrating losses, and dashed hopes. One professional driver saved his job by turning his performance around with coaching. What would those kinds of results be worth to you? |
Deveau Consulting, LLC
331 Main Street
Amesbury, MA 01913
(978) 314-1354
Got a Question? E-mail the Author - brucedeveau at theracersmind dot com